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ASIS Europe 2020 uppskjutet

mon01febAll DayASIS Europe 2020 uppskjutetASIS INT - From risk to resilence

Event Details

COVID-19 har gjort att ASIS Europe 2020 är uppskjutet. ASIS Europe kommer återkomma med mer information. Mer info finns under nyheter.

ASIS Europe 2020 – From Risk to Resilience, 1-3 April, Prague, CZ, is a unique gathering designed for established and aspiring security leaders, expert advisors, and innovators in security and risk management.

The event addresses complex challenges in today’s fast moving, innovative business environment. An exceptional educational programme covers a wide range of cyber-physical security risk outlooks, leadership and management topics, case studies and analysis, using a variety of learning formats.

The 2019 event attracted over 900 registrants from more than 60 countries, and 45 exhibitors.

Core attendance comes from senior security practitioners from multinational companies. A small sample of companies attending in 2019 included Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Volkswagen, BNP Paribas, Boehringer Ingelheim, Daimler, Johnson & Johnson, Heineken, Mastercard, Coca-Cola, Lufthansa, SABIC, Zurich Insurance, and The Walt Disney Company.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from and share with hundreds of professionals facing today’s toughest security challenges.

Choose from 60+ sessions and 9 networking opportunities. Select the event package that suits your needs, schedule and budget.

Recertifcation points

Leadership Pass: up to 16 CPEs
Professional Pass: up to 15 CPEs
Show Pass: 3 CPEs


Läs mer om programmet och registrera er på



1 februari, 2021 All Day(GMT+00:00)



5. KVETNA 1640/65, NUSLE

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